Easy ways to cut down expenses in your home today
Are you overwhelmed by this quick growing inflation and can’t keep up financially? Or maybe you are and you are saving for something in your life like trying to save enough money for a down payment to buy a home? Try out these easy ways to cut down expenses in your home today!
Your monthly income minus your monthly expenses is the money you have left to save. So making small changes cutting monthly costs, finding lower rates, getting rid of debt payments and maintenance costs can make a big difference on monthly bills the amount of money you are able to save. Take a closer look at your finances and see what can be your very first step to give you a better understanding of your monthly budget there are many simple ways to do this.
Here are 12 ways to cut down expenses in your home today

Wash your clothes on cold
Most clothes if you read the tag recommend you washing them in cold anyways this is just a small step that you can do to save money every time you use your water heater turns on it also saves the clothes from wearing out faster. Doing one load of laundry a day can help eliminate the stress of backed up laundry in your home. Washing all your clothes on cold also is a great way to be able to wash all of your clothes together and not on hot to prevent dyes running into each other and prevent any discoloration or shrinking of clothing items.
Use a dryer rack to dry laundry
This saves less wear on your clothing and it also helps you by not having a new dryer run so much also helps your clothes shrinking. If you are looking into more sustainable items of clothing and natural fiber clothing pieces, this will be an essential. You will quickly realize that linen, cotton, and wool easily shrink when they are dried in the dryer.
Turn off the lights
Your biggest utility in your home is probably your energy bill. Utility bills can help cut down your monthly expenses immensely. Be conscious about turning off the lights when you leave a room. Help train your kids to turn off the lights whenever they leave a room. There’s no reason the kitchen light should be on if you are all gathered into the living room. This will use less energy and cut down on your energy costs.
Get new insurance quotes
There is car insurance, health insurance, renters insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance, pet insurance, and the list goes on. Is a scam. There, I said it. Most of the actual insurance you are paying is for the agents commission that’s a story for another day but shop around for new insurance quotes I can guarantee you you can find it cheaper somewhere else and if you don’t want to switch to your current place to lower their rates. Zander Insurance is a great recourse to help you find the best rates out there. Cutting down your car insurance can help you save money quickly. Look at bundling your home and auto insurance to get great deals. There are cheaper insurance companies out there you just need to find them.
Take shorter showers
This one probably won’t be a favorite of anyone, but it can help save money by paying for less water less times your water heater has to kick in. It also helps you with self discipline and not wanting to spend that extra time in the shower to avoid other things you have on your list to complete. If you aren’t 100% on board with this, you can always just turn down your water heater’s temperature.
Stop buying consumables… paper plates, paper towels, napkins, etc.
Nine dollars for a pack of paper plates these days? I think that is insane. Yes, understandably sometimes in your hosting way too many people for the amount of dishes you have you need to get them. But on a regular basis try use your regular ones. Dishwashing isn’t the worst thing in the world, especially if you have a dishwasher. Try looking into getting cloth napkins. Yes, napkins are relatively cheap, but they are used up so fast and add up quickly. We switched to cloth napkins over a year ago and I don’t think I will ever go back to exclusively using paper ones. Paper towel… This was the hardest for me, especially cleaning up gross mess from kids animals and whatever else. But I’ve resorted to using stained shirts that my kids outgrew or dirty work shirts from my husband that I don’t feel bad just throwing out after I’m cleaning up a really gross mess.
Cancel all unnecessary subscriptions and memberships
This one is huge… I think most people don’t even realize they have certain subscriptions. Or they just haven’t used them in such a long time. Like streaming services something you may not notice as easily. Just cancel them they’re not worth it and they add up fast. Even if you just cancel for a certain amount of time or add pause to them. When I had my last baby I thought it would be a fun treat for the family to get a Disney Plus membership. I figured with the craziness of the new baby screen time would probably increase, and it sure did. But after the month was over we ended it. Or if you want to get a subscription to watch your favorite sports team. Cancel it when the season is done. Amazon Prime… you don’t need it on a regular basis, but maybe once the busy holiday season comes you want to get it back for a month or two. That is fine, just be sure and cancel come the new year. Gym memberships… how often do you use this? Sometimes the best way to get exercise is by taking a walk outdoors or working out in your home.

Homemake as much as possible
Now I am not talking about sewing your own clothes (is that even cheaper these days anyways?) I mean food! This is another I think we can all say “yeah, yeah , yeah…” but I am not kidding you! It will save you SO much money. Here is a recommendation I’ll give you….make things on your inspired days. Make bread….make 4 loaves. Slice it and throw 3 of the loaves in the freezer. Making pizza? Make an extra and throw it in the freezer for those crazy days you need something to pop in and be done in 15 minutes. Buy a kielbasa sausage you can easily cut some potatoes and veggies up and make a nice skillet in just 15/20 minutes. When I say make food at home this is what I mean. Be prepared for those crazy nights where we need dinner NOW. Or someone stops by unexpectedly and you have to come up with something decent for lunch.
Coffee…buy yourself an espresso machine if a latte is what you need every day stop paying the coffee shop, pay yourself. Make it special with a cute ceramic mug and some delicious Torani syrup. Make your own cup of coffee at home. It will save you so much money, and I can guarantee you after awhile it will taste so much better too.
Stop Using Credit Cards
Now there is a time and place for credit cards. If you don’t need to use them, then use them. If you have to use them, then don’t. Now read that again! Most of the time we make purchases on the credit card that we want and not an essential that we need this is a good way to spend a lot of money because we aren’t seeing it come out of our account. Even down to things as simple as going to the grocery store and finding those better deals so you over spend your household budget and end up using the credit card instead of your debit card. Yes, you may have gotten a good deal, but did it really save you money in the long run or was it just another one of those impulse buys that you didn’t really need or afford and now you have a monthly payment on your credit card statement and high-interest credit card debt. Don’t do this to your bank account. Cutting your use of credit cards can cut your impulse purchases and your spending habits.

Find a New Cellphone Plan
I can tell you right now, you are probably overpaying for your current service provider. Don’t over pay on this, check around at different companies, again similar to insurance. Yes, having good service is important, but take into consideration most people are on wi-fi most of the time and that takes care of service most of the time. A good place to start is checking out this deal for $25 a month for unlimited talk, text, and data with Crickett Wireless.

Shop Second Hand
Shopping second hand can save you so much money on every level of your needs. You can shop second hand for books, clothing, shoes, household essentials, cars, electronics, baby gear, you name it! If you don’t have time to go to multiple thrift stores to find what you need, like I know I for sure don’t, there are great online resources. Some of them being Thred Up *see offer below*, Good Buy Gear, eBay, Etsy, Goodwill Finds, Thriftbooks, Poshmark, Amazon and even boutiques have used sections you can purchase from for a lower price. Instagram pages and Facebook Market and Facebook BST groups also have great options to find exactly what you want second hand for a lower price.
I have a special offer for you shopping with Thred Up. Use my link here for 45% off your first order plus FREE shipping.

Make your own products to cut down expenses in your home
Whether it’s candles and soap, laundry detergent, cleaners, the list is endless. Look into even just one thing to make yourself. That is one less thing added to your shopping list. There are probably 5 products you can buy for cheap that you can stock the majority of your household items out of. Hand soap, laundry soap, cleaners, etc! Do your research.
Products I recommend for all your household needs to cut down expenses in your home and your household expenses:
With these 6 products you can pretty much make anything you need to in your home. Stocking up on these will eliminate a huge expense of buying individual products. Making your own products can also be a fun experience of dabbling into a homemaking non-toxic journey.
Here is a list of easy ways to cut down expenses in your home
- Wash your clothes on cold
- Use a dryer rack to dry laundry
- Turn off the lights
- Get new insurance quotes
- Take shorter showers
- Stop buying consumables – paper plates, paper towels, napkins, etc.
- Cancel all unnecessary subscriptions and memberships
- Homemake as much as possible
- Stop using credit cards
- Find a new cellphone plan
- Shop Second Hand
- Make your own products to cut down expenses in your home
I hope you enjoyed reading this post on easy ways to cut down expenses in your home and realize that it is probably a lot easier than you think. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to live like a poor person or anything. You can simply spend a little bit of time doing your research and have the work do itself after that. These are on things you are already spending money on anyways. Why not pay less and save more? I don’t think money is something anyone wants less of.